A portfolio that stands apart, for your discerning clients.
Our mission at Selective Design is to offer products that perform at the top of their categories, and feature design differentiation from the pack of uninspired, “me too” alternatives.
We look to partner with representation firms, integrators, designers and architects interested in working together to offer discerning clients products they’re not going to see everywhere else. Our products may cost more, but gorgeous designs utilizing specialized materials and delivering superior performance in any luxury goods category always do.
We believe that anyone who has chosen to own distinctive products like ours in other areas of their lives already understands their benefits and value to their lifestyle. They likely haven’t been shown entertainment products like ours and therefore weren’t given the choice to own something of this quality.
Let’s introduce them to superior performance and design - Selective Design.
(888) 866-0007
Toronto, ON, Canada
When complete invisibility is the goal for music and theater systems. Nakymatone has succeeded where other invisibles have failed...sound quality that will shame even some in-wall brands. Performance and ease-of-installation advantages way above the alternatives. You need to hear a demonstration. Manufactured in Canada. Visit Nakymatone.com
“This is a game-changing and disruptive product, to use words from the world of Silicon Valley. Throw away the idea of what you think speakers need to physically look like in order to sound good, and take a listen to the Nakymatone ECHT invisibles.”
— Jerry del Colliano, FUTURE AUDIOPHILE
The step up in performance from the invisible speakers is the small aperture category. Enter Gray Sound, manufactured in The Netherlands using custom made German speaker components for superior sound and listening coverage. Gray’s VOX Series can be perfectly integrated into the ceiling or wall to create a completely flush finish. VOX’s state-of-the-art design and easy installation makes it a revolutionary product for architects and interior designers. Visit GraySound.nl
“The Gray Sound S80 is a sneaky way to get your bass into places that it has no right to be. The Gray Sound option is for people who are seeking a finished, non-intrusive look but some hammering-ly good bass at the same time.”
— Jerry del Colliano, FUTURE AUDIOPHILE
To enjoy even more engaging levels of performance with music and multimedia systems, we are proud to work with Waterfall Audio. Manufactured in France, the Waterfall line is unique in its appeal to designers and clients interested in featuring the gorgeous glass designs throughout fine interiors. The Pro Custom Series extends the Waterfall experience into private cinema rooms, delivering clear and intelligible high-impact performances. Visit Waterfallaudio.com
Elora Evo Home Theatre Review
“From moment one, I loved what I heard from the Waterfall Audio Elora Evo. The pinpoint imaging that comes across from these little speakers is simply outstanding; and in no way would I have necessarily expected this level of holographic descriptive detail to be projected in all directions of my listening room this easily. I spent six months testing these speakers and just fell in love. I think at their price, they are top performers.”
— Jeremy Kipnis, reviewed for Home Theater Review
Niagara XT1 Review Home Theater Review
“The Niagara takes one of the most unique approaches to speaker design I have ever seen in any loudspeaker both visually and from an engineering perspective. I had the opportunity to speak to some of the folks at Waterfall Audio and it was quite clear that visual design was at the forefront of their minds when making this speaker.”
— Daniel Chadwick
With 70 years experience in the pro speaker industry, Architettura Sonora is a range of high performance speakers that will suit any need - indoors, outdoors, in your residence, or in your business. Designed and handcrafted in Florence, Italy with stunning high-end material options, gorgeous sculptures meet professional performance to deliver statements in both beauty and sound. Visit ArchitetturaSonora.com
Like designer furniture, AS products are custom, handcrafted to order. See the video below.
Zero-Ohm Systems is a global manufacturer of a unique award-winning patented technology based in Montreal. Best of Show Distinction at ISE 2020; Best New Product Technology (Innovations Showcase) InfoComm 2017.
Connect 20-40 speakers or more in parallel without transformers with the benefit of full-range sound. Their passive devices allow you to connect any amplifier and multiple loudspeakers without traditional constraints associated with speaker loads, impedance and long cables runs.
There is no better sounding, more flexible, simple, and reliable solution on the market for large scale residential and commercial projects, period. Visit Zohms.com
Please contact the Selective Design Representative in your area for a referral to your closest dealer. For other areas not listed, contact us using the form below or send us a direct message
Direct Contact:
Wayne Dolnick
Selective Design
Director of Business Development North America
E: wayne@selective.design
Buzz Delano
Selective Design
Director of Business Development North America
E: buzz@selective.design
Jérôme Fragman, Brand Ambassador
Ph: (416) 997-5589, E: audiojerome@hotmail.com
Western Canada:
e: admin@selective.design
Selective DesigN
Sales Team
E: admin@selective.design
Selective DesigN
Sales Team
E: admin@selective.design
South East
Selective DesigN
Sales Team
E: admin@selective.design
Jason Felix, President
Ph: (801) 870-1101, E: jfelix@perfplusmktg.com
Pete Marsiglio: CO, NM, El Paso, Eastern WY
Ph: (720) 456-9025, E: pete@perfplusmktg.com
Bob Ozer, Owner
Ph: (954) 551-9011, E: bob@wizardofozerav.com
CALIFORNIA (Ventura, san bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, and san diego counties):
Selective DesigN
Sales Team
E: admin@selective.design
AV Sales: (855) 588-7661, E: AV@westernecs.com
Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky:
P: (847) 860-1010
E: edward.talaski@tandemmarketinginc.com
MID Atlantic USA:
The Aurora group
P: 610-935-8133
E: pete@auroragroup.biz
Contact Us
Please either send us a message below, or call us at (888) 866-0007.
We are always interested in hearing from someone who appreciates products differentiated in design and performance.
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